Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


Qids - Al-Muttaqin Leaders
QIDs (Muttaqin Leaders) or OSIS , is an organization that put the talented students of SMP Al-Muttaqin also has organization soul and high satisfaction of leading.

QIDs attend since 2000. The meaning of Qids logo are :
  1. Basic color of Yellow, symbolize the success.
  2. Circle, symbolize the togetherness of the member of QIDs.
  3. Greenline, symbolize the moslem generation that has straight  and pure intend to organize.
  4. Red curve line, symbolize the braveness to face the problems.
  5. V Line, symbolize the bowl to put the students in.
Conditional to be Qids leader are :
  1. Taqwa to The Lordful Allah
  2. High sense of responsibelity
  3. Dicipline

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